Veeramol Vailikhit

Asst. Prof. Dr. Veeramol Vailikhit

Contact Information: Chemistry Division,
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science,
Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Saen Campus,
Nakhon Pathom 73140, THAILAND


2006Ph.D. (Physical Chemistry)
“Theoretical Multinuclear NMR and IR Studies Using Combined Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Solvated Nevirapine Structure.”
2000M.S. (Analytical Chemistry)
“Comparative Oxidation of Alcohols with Cerium (IV) and Chromium (VI) by Spectrophotometry.”
1997B.Sc. (Chemistry)
“Separation of Copper and Nickel from Water Using a Cementation Technique.”
Overseas Research:
Dec 2008:
Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University; Nagoya, Japan.
Molecular dynamic calculations.
Apr – May 2008:
School of Chemistry, University of Sydney; Sydney, Australia.
Modelling of hydrogen bonding using MD-ONIOM method on a supercomputer.
Feb – Apr 2004:
Institute for Theoretical Chemistry and Structural Biology, University of Vienna; Austria.
Modelling of enzyme inhibitor conformation using Gaussian03 on a multi-node cluster.
Apr – May 2002:
School of Chemistry, University of NSW; Sydney, Australia.
Use of analytical techniques to measure heavy metals in various liquid media.
Scholarships Received
JSPS Exchange Program for East Asian Young Researchers (JENESYS Programme2008), Japan
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Japan
2003 – 2006:
The Commission of Higher Education and Postgraduate Education and Research in Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology.
Research Development Scholarship from Srinakharinwirot University.
1995 – 2000:
The Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents Project of Thailand
Grant Received
Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute
The Thailand Research Fund
Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University
Chemistry Modelling
Hydrogen bonding
NMR, IR calculations
Solvent effects
1“H-NMR Chemical Shifts of Some DMSO-Solvated Amines Using MD-ONIOM2.”
V. Vailikhit, W. J. Holzschuh and S. Hannongbua
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), Vol. 944 (2010) 173-176.
2“Preparation and Evaluation of High Efficiency Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”
Y. Poo-arporn1, V. Vailikhit, D. Bashyal, K. Nakajima, P. Songsiriritthigul and K. Mitsuke
PACCON2010 Proceedings, in Press.
3“Extending MD-ONIOM2 Modelling: Prediction1H-NMR of the Acidic Protons of Aniline in a Highly Polar Solvent.”
V. Vailikhit, W. J. Holzschuh and S. Hannongbua
PACCON2008 Proceedings Vol. 1 (2008) 410-415.
4“A Combined MD-ONIOM2 Approach for 1H-NMR Chemical Shift Calculations Including a Polar Solvent.”
V. Vailikhit, W. Treesuwan and S. Hannongbua
J. Mol. Struct. (THEOCHEM), Vol. 806 (2007) 99-104.
5“Conformational Analysis of Nevirapine in Solutions Based on NMR Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Calculations.”
V. Vailikhit, P. Bunsawansong, S. Techasakul and S. Hannongbua
JTCC, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2006) 913-924.
6“Theoretical Multinuclear NMR (1H, 13C and 15N) Study of Nevirapine”
V. Vailikhit, T. Leepasert, S. Saen-oon, S. Techasakul, S. Hannongbua
The 8th ANSCSE Porceeding (2004) 97-102.
1“Modelling Solutes in DMSO -MD-ONIOM2 and the Solvation Shell.
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2009 (PACCON2009)
January 2009, Phitsanulok, Thailand
2“Affordable Modelling of H-bonded Solutes Using MD-ONIOM2.”
The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC2008) September 2008, Sydney, Australia.
3“Extending MD-ONIOM2 Modelling: Prediction1H-NMR of the Acidic Protons of Aniline in a Highly Polar Solvent.”
Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference (PACCON2008),
January – February 2008, Sofitel Centara Grand, Bangkok, Thailand.
4“A Combined MD-ONIOM2 Approach for 1H-NMR Chemical Shift and IR Calculations Including a Polar Solvent”
The Third Asia-Pacific Conference of Theortical and Computational Chemistry,
September 2007, Jiuhua Spa & Resort, Beijing, China.
5“Solvent and H-Bond Effects on 1H-NMR Chemical Shifts on Nevirapine: MD-QM Modelling.”
The International Conference on Modeling in Chemical and Biological Engineering Science (ICMES),
October 2006, Ramagardens Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
6“1H, 13C and 15N-NMR Chemical Shift Calculations of Nevirapine in Various Solutions: A Quantum Chemical Calculations Approach.”
Interfaces of Analytical Sciences: Workshop of U.S. and Thai Analytical Scientists,
January 2006, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
7“IR and NMR (1H 13C and 15N, NMR) Spectroscopy Studied in Solutions of Nevirapine, Based on Quantum Chemical Calculations.”
2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry,
May 2005, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
8“Calculating 1H-NMR Chemical shifts of Neverapine in Gas Phase and DMSO Solvation Model.”
30th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand,
October 2004, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand.
9“Theoretical Multinuclear, 1H 13C and 15N, NMR Spectroscopic Study of Nevirapine.”
8th Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering,
July 2004, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
10“Comparative Oxidation of Alcohols with Cerium (IV) and Chromium (VI) by Spectrophotometry.”
The 26th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand,
October 2000, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand.

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